League is This Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Mar. 2nd, over Block 1 (Revelation 1-6)! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd...
Bret Talley, the National Bible Bowl director, sent out an email today reflecting on the past year…
Hello Everyone!!
2010 is coming to an end, and I wanted to send out a note to our Bible Bowl family. It has been an EXTRAORDINARY year! I believe that God has had his hand working in our program. Over the Christmas season, I started reflecting back on some of the year’s highlights:
- The year started with some uncertainty because of a left over bill from the Indianapolis Nationals. A group of people stepped up and gave generously – and we completely paid the bill!
- A lot of ‘buzz’ happened this year – from kids and adults alike about the need to grow the Bible Bowl program. It was exciting to see coaches from one church – lending a hand to a coach from a new team to help them get started.
- We had a great group of people from Indian Creek manning the Bible Bowl booth at the NACC, and another group from Washington Missouri manning a Bible Bowl booth at the Missionary Convention….so many volunteers willing to help us increase the exposure of Bible Bowl.
- Bethel College became a new Ministry Partner.
- The Denver National Tournament was fantastic. What a GREAT facility and city!! The restaurants were unbelievable!! The Rocky Mountain Round Robin got us safely from the airport to the hotel – with an efficiency that was amazing. We had an incredible competition! Covenant won the National Tournament!! We had the most ever participants in the quote bee!! The Adult tournament was a lot of fun!! The Junior/Senior banquet was again a huge success!! Many of you really enjoyed the Rockies game. We had the largest offering ever in Denver for a National competition….over $24,000!!
- Our 2010 Penny Drive was incredible, with the Southern, Illinois Round Robin taking top honors. It is very touching to know of the story behind gifts to the program. Love for this program is very deep!
- The recommendation to hire an Outreach Director has been very well received. We had an overwhelming number of applicants, and the search committee is working hard to hire the right candidate. Interviews will be taking place over the next several weeks.
- Monthly giving has increased. It is humbling to know of all the individuals that support the program financially.
- We are ending the year in the best financial position the program has EVER been in! It is obvious that God has touched people – and they have responded in a fantastic way. You know who you are…thank you for your generous support!!
On a personal note, I am really enjoying my classes…although 9 hours on Saturday is tough! If I can brag a little…I have all A’s…not bad for an old man!
I am excited for 2011! Starting next week, I will begin working part time. Although I have been working hard the last several months to make the transition smooth, it makes me both excited AND nervous (because so much needs to be done!). I really appreciate the Board of Director’s willingness to help out with any projects that may need special attention (if needed) as we look forward to the 2011 National Tournament in Cincinnati. I cannot wait for the Outreach Director to begin his/her work. I honestly believe that National Bible Bowl is poised and ready for great things to happen. I am very thankful to be a part of such a wonderful program – and to consider all of you part of my family.
I want to ask a favor of each one of you. Please make a commitment to pray for Bible Bowl, me, our new Outreach Director and the Board of Directors in 2011.
Best wishes to you in 2011!! I am looking forward to seeing you all along the way.