League is This Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Mar. 2nd, over Block 1 (Revelation 1-6)! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd...
Merry Christmas from your Bible Bowl family! We’re taking a week off and will resume regular practices on January 3rd followed shortly by our round robin on January 8th (if you want to drive, attend, or be a quizmaster let us know!). Everyone had a great time at the skating party on Friday and had another great time tonight with the White Elephant exchange tonight. We’ve got video and pictures we’ll be uploading to the Facebook group so if you’re not in the group, request an invite!
As schedules get busy and we come up on the portion of the year where we do our traveling beyond round robins, you can always refer to the online calendar to find out the latest on dates/times that events are taking place.
Have a Merry Christmas and we’ll see you next year!