League is This Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Mar. 2nd, over Block 1 (Revelation 1-6)! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd...
This is a reminder that for those attending KCU this weekend, your player fee of $60 is due tonight at practice. We will have a meeting tonight discussing the details of the trip. All of those details can be found here.
Also, there will be some filming taking place at KCU for the Bible Bowl TV documentary that is being produced about National Bible Bowl. The filming done at KCU will not air on TV, but will be used in determining who they will want to film at Nationals to air on TV. It could be possible for your player to be filmed at some point. If you are NOT okay with your player being filmed, please contact me (megankuhl@gmail.com) and let me know so that I can let the producers know. They may be specifically following some of our families, so if there is a conflict with a player on a team with some of those selected family members, it may result in some rearranging of teams for Nationals.
Ben and I have talked to the producers and received emails from them, and they are assuring us that they want to show Bible Bowl in the best possible light as the majority of their viewers are Christians. They were both very friendly and seemed very impressed with Bible Bowl, its leaders, and its players. I think this documentary is great exposure for National Bible Bowl and I’m hoping that all of you will be eager to potentially be a part of it!