League is This Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Mar. 2nd, over Block 1 (Revelation 1-6)! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd...
Just a reminder that Round Robin is tomorrow (yes, Derby day)! We will have Northstar, a team from Ohio, joining us for competition for the day. Looking forward to the added competition!
Also, “study camps” begin on Monday, which means that practices will be extended for 1 hour (6pm-9pm). We will also have practices on Thursdays in the same location from 6pm-9pm and a Saturday study camp (May 30 – 9am-4pm). These additional practices are to gear up for the summer tournaments in June. We expect participation at the study camps just as we do practices, so please let us know if your player will be missing so we can plan accordingly.
Summer, here we come!