It’s time for me to register our group for our National Bible Bowl Tournament! You probably saw the email from National Bible Bowl about it – but please be sure to read all of THIS message so you’re clear on what YOU need to do vs. what I will be doing for you as part of the Southeast group. All students and teams are invited and encouraged to attend – it is a culmination of all their efforts for the season!

Travel and Fees Info

  • We meet at Southeast at 9:30am on Friday, Dec. 6th and will carpool to Kentucky Christian University (KCU) in Grayson, KY where our competition is held.
  • We return home Sunday, Dec. 8th around 5pm.
  • Students will be staying with parent or church-approved coaches/chaperones (2 adults per room) in the hotel. Breakfasts will be at the hotel while lunches and dinners will be on campus.
  • We are charging $275 for the first student in a family and $250 for each additional player from the same family. [This is higher than the $170 per person fee you may have seen posted from National Bible Bowl because we also have to cover the $50 per team fee, hotel rooms, and gas.] If you are unable to pay the full amount for your student or need to spread out payment, just reach out to me and we’ll work it out.

Who Needs to Register:

  • Players and coaches – I will register all students and coaches/regular helpers who are attending (I will confirm this with you).
  • Spectators – if you are a non-coach parent attending, you will register yourself by October 30th (see below for details).

Info for Spectators (i.e., people other than the players and coaches)

  • Spectator “attend only” – $40 for adults, $20 for minors. You cannot register for this option online, but must email by October 30th to let them know you’re spectating and they’ll give you instructions on how to pay. This option has no food or event hoodie and no admittance to cafeteria.
  • Spectator – $115 for adults, $95 for minors. Includes food/admittance to cafeteria and event hoodie.
    • If you are a parent of a player, register yourself (and your spouse if he or she is coming) on your Bible Bowl account by October 30th.
    • If you are not a parent with an account, register yourself using this link for other spectators.
    • If your student’s Bible Bowl account is under a different parent name than yours (e.g., Mom’s on the account, but Dad is the only one attending) – please do NOT register through your Bible Bowl account, but instead use this link for other spectators.
  • Hotel – if you’d like to be included as a chaperone for your student and/or others, we can include you in our hotel arrangements. If not, do still let me know your plans because I may have extra rooms in our block.

Here is the response and action I need from you by Saturday, October 26th (please email me at

  • Is your student attending – yes or no? If yes:
    • Be sure to log in to your Bible Bowl account and double check his or her t-shirt size for the hoodie.
    • Let me know if he or she wants to participate in the Quote Bee.
  • Are you or others in your family attending? If yes:
    • Who all is going?
    • Are you able to drive your student, and are you willing to drive additional students (and how many)?
    • Are you willing to be a quizmaster if needed?
    • Are you willing to chaperone a hotel room or will it be family only for your room?

Please send check made out to Southeast to practice by October 28th. You can pay all together on one check if there are multiple people to pay for. A reminder of the amounts (I can confirm amounts with you specifically also):

  • $275 for first student in a family
  • $250 for each additional student in a family
  • $35 for adult spectator, $15 for minor spectator (you paid $80 online upfront, but I have to pay your remainder at check-in because all people associated with Southeast will go through me)
  • Weekly coaches and helpers – no payment. You will be covered from our Southeast budget as a thank you for your time and dedication to these students and this program!

Let me know if you have any questions! More details will follow for driving arrangements, paperwork, etc. Travel details/what to bring can be found under our events tab. Thank you!