League is This Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Mar. 2nd, over Block 1 (Revelation 1-6)! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd...
General information
Please be at the YAC (Youth Activities Center) by 12:50 on Friday afternoon. We will leave by 1:00. KCU will be serving an early dinner in the cafeteria prior to the Test and Meeting.
We will be staying at the Guest House Inn & Suites which can be reached at (606)474-0000. We have reserved rooms for players and coaches. Any parents who are interested in attending can contact the hotel directly to reserve a room. Tell the hotel you’re with the KCU Bible Bowl tournament, sometimes they have a special rate. They’ll also be responsible for their own food. They may eat in the cafeteria at the college with everyone else, but for cost they should contact KCU directly.
The tournament is scheduled to be over by 2:30 PM on Sunday. The drive time is about 2 hours and 15 minutes so we will be home about 4:45. Players will call home if our arrival time is different for any reason.
What to bring
Study materials, snacks, dress clothes (pants/dress shirt & tie for the guys, dress pants or a modest dress/skirt for girls), money for ice cream (twice at Dairy Queen) and optional swim suit (1 piece for girls).
Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Normal round robin dress | Normal round robin dress | Dress clothes |