Nationals – Response Needed!
It’s time for me to register our group for our National Bible Bowl Tournament! Following all the information here, there is a link at the bottom for a google survey...
The past 2 weeks we’ve made changes to teams. There are a few things we keep in mind as we make teams…
Because of all of these factors teams can be a bit difficult to place together. Even though it means we may have more than 4 players on a team, we’ve decided it would be best to cut down to 4 teams.
We will be taking all players to Milligan per parental permission. If you know that your player will not be going please email me at director(at) and let me know.
KCU – We will be taking Teams 1 and 2
Johnson – We need feedback from parents of players on Team 1 and 2. Johnson is a Sat-Mon (Jun 30 – Jul 2) and Southeast’s 50th anniversary will be taking place that Sunday. We’ve considered attending Cincinatti Christian University’s tournament instead, which is Wed-Fri (Jun 27-29). We’re still determining sponsor availability to see if we will have the sponsors to attend CCU instead. Johnson is much easier to get sponsors for since it takes place over the weekend. We’re aware that a decent amount of players do not attend Southeast. If we did proceed to go to Johnson would this conflict with any family’s plans to attend the 50th anniversary event? Please email director(at) within the next week if this is the case. We’ll make a decision soon.
All of the fee amounts can be found here:
All of the fee due dates can be found on the calendar.
If you’re an approved driver, please email me whether you are available to drive to our next round robin or not. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll shoot you an email at a later time. Remember – Round Robin is April 14th due to Easter.