League is this Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Sept. 15th, over Block 1! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd floor to...
It’s time for me to register our group for our National Bible Bowl Tournament! All students and teams are invited and encouraged to attend – it is a culmination of all their efforts for the season! We meet at Southeast at noon on Tuesday, June 6th and will carpool to Milligan University in Tennessee. We return home Friday, June 9th around 10pm. Students will be staying with coach and parent chaperones in separate boy and girl dorms, eating, and competing on campus.
Your student’s registration will cover housing (dorms) and meals (except for two meals traveling to and from campus). We are charging $275 for the first student in a family (this covers the $250 Nationals registration plus helps cover the cost of our chaperones and travel) and $250 for each additional player from the same family. Southeast Bible Bowl will cover the registration fees for coaches. If non-coach parents would like to attend, they can register to receive dorm housing (separated by male/female so you’ll be considered a chaperone as well and will need corresponding volunteer clearance through Southeast), meals, and swag. Their cost will be $250 ($100 will be paid online upfront to National Bible Bowl and the remaining $150 will be paid to Southeast for me to pay as one big group upon arrival). Otherwise, parents can attend for free if they take care of their own meals and lodging.
Please note:
Here is the response and action I need from you by Wednesday, April 12th (please email me at megankuhl@gmail.com):
Please send cash or check (made out the Southeast and can be all together on one check) to practice by May 1st for the corresponding amount as mentioned above:
Let me know if you have any questions! More details will follow for driving arrangements, paperwork, etc. Travel details/what to bring can be found under our events tab. Thank you!