League is this Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Sept. 15th, over Block 1! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd floor to...
We’ve got most of the nationals details (click to download) together. We’re still waiting on one or two things from the National Bible Bowl office. We’ll be meeting at church on Sunday morning and taking a school bus to the hotel. There’s a food court at the hotel (where we’ll eat dinners) which offers Chick-Fil-A, Subway, Auntie Anne’s and The Great Steak and Fry company among others. Breakfast and lunch will be provided (cereal, granola bars, fruit, sandwiches, chips, etc). After the awards ceremony we’ll leave at 5:30 PM and will head to Outback Steakhouse (exit 186, click here for a map) on the outskirts of Cincinnati. After dinner we will return to church around 9pm.
We know a few might be staying behind in Cincinnati to go to King’s Island the next day (Bible Bowl offers discounted tickets). If you are not planning on riding to or from Cincinnati with us, please email us at director@seccbiblebowl.org and let us know.