League is this Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Sept. 15th, over Block 1! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd floor to...
Here are all of the travel details and packing lists for your players.
We do not have final schedules from these tournaments. If these arrival/departure times change, we will be sure to contact everyone.
We are still looking for a vehicle to use with a trailer hitch for Milligan transportation. If you have one and are willing to let us use it for a few days please email director@seccbiblebowl.org.
We could still use 1 more sponsor for our Milligan trip if any parents would be willing to help us out for a few days.
If you have any questions/concerns don’t hesitate to email us!