Nationals – Response Needed!
It’s time for me to register our group for our National Bible Bowl Tournament! Following all the information here, there is a link at the bottom for a google survey...
Remember that “study camps” (i.e., extended practices) start tomorrow (May 30th), 5:45-8:45 in the Block. Parents, we could use your help! We like this time to be very productive for the players, and sometimes this requires one-on-one time quizzing players and listening to them quote back what they know. The problem is that there are way more players than there are adults. So ANY time during ANY study camp day, if you have some extra time and could come help out for part or all of the practice, we would greatly appreciate it!! Your player’s coach will put you to good use and direct you in what to do.
Also, we’re having a “Check Out Bible Bowl” event during Nationals this year to generate interest in the Louisville area. We’re starting a Louisville round robin tournament in the fall, so we need to reach out to churches in the area to start Bible Bowl programs! Please share this event with parents and friends and family – whether they want to join Southeast Bible Bowl or start their own Bible Bowl program at their church or school, this event is the place to start!