League is this Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Sept. 15th, over Block 1! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd floor to...
Another Bible Bowl season is upon us! There’s a lot in store for this year and we’re very excited to get started. We’ll be studying selections from John, 1 & 2 Peter and Revelation. After careful deliberation about shortening the season, we’ve decided to take a break after the December round robin and will not be having practices in December and will not have a Round Robin in January. All practices will be from 6-8pm on Monday nights beginning on Aug 25th. Check out the calendar for more. Registration is available now at http://manage.biblebowl.net/organization/registerPlayer/D3270166-1786-F7B8-6FDD-610F767A15D5. Please be sure to register your players prior to the first practice.
Don’t forget to order your resources at http://biblebowl.net/Catalog.aspx?VSN=BBX&VSNCAT=BBT now so you have them by the first practice. If this is your first year, start with a study text.