League is this Sunday!
Our first league of the season is this Sunday, Sept. 15th, over Block 1! We meet from 1:15-5:00pm at Southeast Blankenbaker campus starting in room ATCR 206 (2nd floor to...
The Block 3 test is available using this link. Please have your student take it by 9AM on Friday. Remember that it is closed book, 100 questions, 20 minutes.
Our last league of the season is this Sunday, Nov. 13th from 1:15-5PM. Quote bee will be included as usual, as well as the option to quote memory verses for prizes.
Please note that if your student is not attending Nationals, then this will be his last competition of the season and he will attend no further practices. For those attending practice Monday, there will be pizza and soda available for $3.50 as usual.
If you forgot to send your check for Nationals to practice, please do that at this coming practice or at league on Sunday. Refer to my prior post for details on that. Thanks!